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Ride safely at Enel Green Power Gran Fondo Strade Bianche

By 25 February 2022Gran Fondo

OFFICIAL ENTRANCE TO THE VILLAGE: All visitors of the Village of the Gran Fondo Strade Bianche will need to wear a mask.
ALL participants registered to the GF Strade Bianche must first pass through the SUPER GREEN PASS CHECK-IN so that they can collect their personal security wristband.
Only participants with a bracelet will be able to collect their start numbers.
It will be possible to pick up the start number and to participate only with the mandatory possession of the Reinforced Green Pass (or Super Green Pass) for all participants of the Enel Green Power Gran Fondo Strade Bianche. As reported by the website digital platform of reference for the issuance of the green COVID-19 certification, by Reinforced Green Pass: we only mean the COVID-19 Green Certification for vaccination or recovery. The reinforced green pass does not therefore include carrying out a rapid or molecular antigen test. Only certificates in Italian or English will be accepted.
All participants must present themselves in person at the start number pick-up. It will not be possible to delegate third parties for the pick-up.
Remember to wear a mask at the start number pick up!

START OF THE RACE: To enter the grid you will need to wear your mask and the security wristband received at CHECK-IN, where it is always required to maintain social distancing.
The mask can only be removed 1 minute before the start following the times indicated and the instructions of the speaker.

REFRESHMENTS: Only participants wearing a mask and the security wristband received at CHECK-IN will be able to access the refreshment points, maintaining social distancing and keeping their feet on the ground.
The products will be packaged in single portions for the safety of the participants.
It is required to maintain a safe distance from the refreshment area during the consumption of food and drinks and from other participants; consumption at the refreshment point is strictly forbidden, where it is required to wear a mask.

ARRIVAL AND PASTA PARTY: Upon arrival, all participants must immediately wear a mask and maintain social distancing.
At the Fortezza Medicea, the Pasta Party will be distributed only to participants with a safety wristband and the appropriate coupon. The shower service will not be available this year.

Remember to sanitize your hands frequently, always wear a mask (apart during physical activity) and maintain social distancing.