In order to make your visit to our website as enjoyable as possible, we use cookies in the presentation of our range of products. These are small aggregates of text recorded locally in the temporary memory of your browser, and then on your computer, for varying periods of time depending on the specific need, generally ranging from a few hours to a few years, with the exception of profiling cookies that have a maximum duration of 365 calendar days.By means of cookies, information about your preferences and other technical data can be recorded in a semi-permanent way to allow quicker navigation and greater ease of use and effectiveness of the site. For example, cookies may be used to determine whether your computer has already connected to our website, in order to highlight news or maintain the login information. For your protection, only the cookie stored on your computer is identified.
Types of Cookies
This site makes use of four different types of cookies:
Essential technical cookies
These cookies are necessary for the site to work properly. They make possible the navigation of the various pages, the sharing our content and the storage of your credentials in order to speed up entry to the site and to maintain your preferences and credentials active while browsing. Without these cookies we cannot provide the services for which users access the site.
Statistical and performance cookies
These cookies let us know how visitors use the site, so we can then evaluate and improve its performance and focus on providing content that best meets the information needs of our users. For example, they let us know what pages are most and least popular. They take into account, among other things, the number of visitors, the average time users spend on the site and how they arrived at the site. In this way, we can discover what works well and what improvements are necessary, as well as ensure that the pages load quickly and are displayed correctly. All the information gathered by these cookies is anonymous and is not linked to any personal information. To perform these functions, our sites use third-party services that anonymize data, thereby making it impossible to trace them to individuals (so-called “single-in”). The services that are not completely anonymized are listed among the third-party cookies, which you can deny your consent to use in order to better guarantee your privacy.
User profiling and targeted advertising cookies
These cookies allow ads to be shown to the user on the basis of his/her interests. They are also used to limit the number of views of the same ad and for evaluating the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
They are inserted by the Co-Data Processors through the technical platforms of our advertising partners and are part of our investment in the websites, which allow us to adequately fund the maintenance of our services and their technological evolution. They can also be used to show you relevant ads on other websites you visit.
The cookies that are active in any given moment can change in function of the technical strategies of advertisers and their technical representatives, so rather than list them, we make known the companies that are authorized to provide advertising on our sites.
Operational and third party profiling cookies
This category includes both cookies provided by known partners of the Co-Data Processors and cookies provided by third parties that are not directly controlled or controllable by the Co-Data Processors.
Cookies from our partners allow us to offer advanced features, as well as a greater quantity of information and personal functions. These include the ability to share content through social networks, obtain access to services of video streaming and to the CDN networks on which we host our content. These services are mainly provided by third party companies hired by or working in aware partnerships with the Co-Data Processors. If you have an account with or if you use the services of such companies on other sites, these companies may be able to know that you have visited our website. The use of data collected from these external companies through cookies is subject to their privacy policies, and so these cookies are identified with the names of the respective companies and listed in the cookie management tools available in the appropriate section of this Policy Statement. These include registered cookies of the major social networks, which allow you to share the articles of our sites and publicly express your appreciation of our work.
Cookies that do not originate from partners of the Co-Data Processors are cookies sent by third parties without the control of the Co-Data Processors, and these parties thus have the opportunity to intercept the user even during navigation outside of our sites. These cookies, typically profiling cookies, are not directly controlled by the Co-Data Processors, which therefore cannot be certain of the use that these third parties make of the information collected.
Cookie management
If you have doubts or concerns regarding the use of cookies, you can always act to prevent their activation and reading, for example by changing the privacy settings within your browser to block certain types of cookies or by using the tools that we make available to you in this Policy Statement.
Since every browser – and even different versions of the same browser – is unique, the choice to manage cookies through your browser preferences may require detailed information about the steps required, which can be found in the guide for your browser. For an overview of the steps to take for the most common browsers, you can visit:
Advertising companies also allow you to opt out of receiving targeted ads, if so desired. This does not prevent the setting of cookies, but blocks these companies from using and collecting some data.
For more information and the possibility of denying consent, visit
To simplify your choices and in compliance with current legislation, the Co-Data Processors provide you with a management tool for the selective activation and deactivation of undesired cookies, if they are controlled or controllable by RCS MediaGroup SpA.
Inside the tool you will find a list of all the cookies we consciously manage or host, divided by category.
Acceptance and denying consent to the use of cookies
By continuing to navigate this site, by closing the policy statement window or by clicking on any part of the page or by scrolling to highlight additional content, you accept the Cookie Policy of the Co-Data Processors, and the cookies will be activated and collected. If the use of cookies is refused by ending navigation, any cookies already stored locally in your browser will remain there but will no longer be read or used by the Co-Data Processors until you decide to accept the Policy. You will always be able to remove these cookies at any time through the procedures set out in the “Cookie management” section or by using the tool provided by the Co-Data Processors.
Acceptance and denying consent to data processing
The updated list of those responsible for the processing of data (Data Processors) referred to in this policy statement may be consulted at the registered office of RCS Sport SpA in via A. Rizzoli, 8 – 20132 Milan and of RCS MediaGroup SpA in via A. Rizzoli, 8 – 20132 Milan; the rights under Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03 can be exercised in a specific message to that purpose, sent by mail and addressed to the same company, or through the email address designated for that purpose: