Welcome back to the GF STRADE BIANCHE in MARCH with a new course!
The Gran Fondo route still corresponds mostly to the Women Elite race, now it is 142,5 km with 10 gravel sectors for a total of 54,7 km of white roads. Click HERE to find the new route, profiles, timetables and gpx files.
The Organizing Committee, following the guidelines and case studies that refer to the latest provisions issued by the Government between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 and to the Federal Health Protocol of the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI), has chosen to request the mandatory possession of the Reinforced Green Pass (or Super Green Pass) for all participants of the Enel Green Power Gran Fondo Strade Bianche.
As reported by the website www.dgc.gov.it digital platform of reference for the issuance of the green COVID-19 certification, by Reinforced Green Pass: we only mean the COVID-19 Green Certification for vaccination or recovery. The reinforced green pass does not therefore include carrying out a rapid or molecular antigen test. Only certificates in Italian or English will be accepted.
All participants must present themselves in person at the start number pick-up. It will not be possible to delegate third parties for the pick-up. It will be possible to delegate third parties only for the pick up of the start bag and jersey without the start number and therefore for the participant not to participate in the event (click HERE to download the form for the delegation only for the start bag pick-up).
To pick up your start number proceed as indicated below:
Click HERE to download the online model of the Sport Medical Certificate.
DAILY LICENSES: If you did not buy a daily license during the registration process, you can purchase it cash onsite, the cost is 10 euro. Remember to follow the DAILY LICENSES signs.
CHIP: If you are interested in renting a chip, the cost of the rental is 10 euro, out of which 5 euro are returned at the end of the race once the chip is handed back in. Also this cost can be paid only cash.
JERSEY: the size that will be given to each participant is the one indicated during registration.
RACE NUMBER PICK UP: You can pick up your race number at the VILLAGE on Friday, March 4 from 1.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. and Saturday, March 5 from 8.00 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Fortezza di Santa Barbara (Fortezza Medicea), Piazza Caduti delle Forze Armate, 53100 Siena. It will not be possible to collect the race numbers on the race day.
START: Fortezza Medicea, Piazza Caduti delle Forze Armate, 53100 Siena, at 8.00 AM on Sunday, March 6, 2022.
FINISH LINE: Piazza del Campo, Siena
TIME LIMIT: 7 hours – by 03.00 PM of March 6, 2022
PLEASE NOTE: The time limit to transit through Radi to ride the longer route (Gran Fondo), is 10.00 AM. All the riders whom will transit (through Radi) after this time, MUST ride the short route of 86,6 Km (Medio Fondo).
END OF THE RACE: The vehicle with the sign “FINE GARA CICLISTICA” establishes the end of the road closure. The athletes overtaken by the “end race” car will continue the race as normal cyclists and must observe the traffic laws keeping the race number on their back.
END OF THE EVENT: The vehicle with the sign “FINE MANIFESTAZIONE”, follows the last participant and establishes the closure of the entire event within the maximum of 7 hours, as the race regulations.
- at km 33 (just after the end of second gravel sector in Grotti)
- at km 73 (San Martino in Grania, just for who does the Gran Fondo)
- at km 120 for Gran Fondo or km 65,4 for Medio Fondo (at Vico d’Arbia)
PASTA PARTY: On Sunday, March 6 from noon to 4.00 PM, for all participants there will be a Pasta Party at the Village at the Fortezza Medicea.
BIKE PARK: It will be located at the Fortezza Medicea and open on FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY. THE BIKE PARK IS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY.
BROOM SERVICE: A broom wagon service will be operative at the back of the race.
We remind that the bicycles of the riders that are collected will be deposited at the BIKE PARK inside the Fortezza Medicea as soon as the vehicles return. It will be possible to collect the bicycles based on the race number corresponding to the race number fixed on the bicycle and an ID document.
PARKING: In Siena almost all parking lots are subject to a fee, in order to avoid bad surprises we advise you to consult the useful website www.sienaparcheggi.com Also the parking area of the Stadium (closer), of the train Station and of Fonte Branda, are subject to a fee. The parking lots around the Medicea Fortress, are free of charge. For those arriving in the city by camper, we recommend the parking area “Il Fagiolone” which is free and has connections.
OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHS: Pica (www.getpica.com) is the only agency that is authorized to take and supply pictures of your participation in the Gran Fondo Strade Bianche 2022.
RESPECT: During the race we invite you to RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT AND PERSONNEL that decided to give up their Sunday to allow you to have an unforgettable experience.
- 1.00 PM opening of VILLAGE, BIKE PARK and beginning of race number distribution Gran Fondo Strade Bianche at Fortezza di Santa Barbara (Fortezza Medicea) Piazza Caduti delle Forze Armate, 53100 Siena
- 7.00 PMclosing of VILLAGE, BIKE PARK and end of start number distribution
- 08.00 AM opening of VILLAGE, BIKE PARK and beginning of race number distribution Gran Fondo Strade Bianche at Fortezza di Santa Barbara
- 9.10 AM start Strade Bianche Women Elite
- 11.40 AM start Strade Bianche
- 7.00 PM closing of VILLAGE, BIKE PARK and end of start number distribution
- 6.30 AM opening starting grids Gran Fondo Strade Bianche
- 8.00 AM START 7th edition ENEL GREEN POWER GRAN FONDO STRADE BIANCHE, Fortezza di Santa Barbara (Fortezza Medicea) Piazza Caduti delle Forze Armate, Siena; ARRIVAL Piazza del Campo, Siena
- 12.00 PM Start of Pasta Party at Village
- 3.00 PM Race time limit
- 4.00 PM closing of VILLAGE
For info: granfondo@rcs.it